

Dealing with health issues or the illness of a loved one can be challenging, especially if you need extra support and information, or a problem arises with care or treatment.

Taking care of your healthcare

The CAB can help if you need more information about healthcare, or if you've had problems with treatment received or want to complain about care you or a loved one has received. We can help with issues including:

  • What healthcare you’re entitled to
  • Your rights as an NHS patient
  • How to make a complaint
  • Getting help with healthcare costs
  • Seeking private healthcare
  • Receiving medical or dental treatment abroad


We can provide information on your options. Click the button below and choose the best way to access CAB information and support.

If you'd like to raise a concern about NHS treatment, or want to feed back information to benefit other patients, contact our Patients Advice & Support Service (PASS).